What is the definition of a long tail keyword? — LetsHostTalk - Web Hosting Forum

What is the definition of a long tail keyword?

  1. What is the definition of a long tail keyword?


  • A long tail keyword is a specific and often longer phrase that users enter into search engines when looking for information, products, or services. Unlike generic or short keywords, which are more general and competitive, long tail keywords are more specific and usually have lower search volumes.

    The term "long tail" is derived from a concept popularized by Chris Anderson in his book "The Long Tail." In the context of keywords, the long tail refers to the distribution of search queries on a graph. The "head" of the graph represents highly popular and frequently searched short keywords, while the "long tail" represents a larger number of less common and more specific, longer phrases.

    For example, if the generic keyword is "shoes," a long tail keyword could be "comfortable running shoes for flat feet." While the search volume for the long tail keyword might be lower, it usually indicates higher intent and a more targeted audience, making it valuable for websites or businesses aiming to reach a specific niche or address a particular query.

    Overall, long tail keywords are important for search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, as they can help websites attract more relevant and qualified traffic, with a higher chance of conversion due to the specificity of the user's search intent.

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