honest vps hosts? — LetsHostTalk - Web Hosting Forum

honest vps hosts?

I want suggestions on who is the best VPS provider with better prices..
RAM Mini 4GB Max 8GB, Technology: Xen or KVM, OS: CentOS, Cpanel/WHM, Processor Good One
SSD: Mini 50GB Max 100GB, I want to host 130-150 corporate customers not heavy. Mostly people use emails.
Budget is around $50-$100 monthly.
Do you know anything about Centoserver.com and Allwebhost.com hosting? Any reviews?
What reliable and honest vps hosts do you know and can recommend me to try?


  • FolcostokFolcostok Member

    My business has grown as a direct result of the service and support they offer. Always received a prompt assistance and no billing issues. CentoServer.com is the vps host you can rely on - their team are professionals. If you just need a cheap way to get online with Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Python/Perl/etc, it is the best option.

  • RootballRootball Member
    As for reliable vps host, Neironvps.com can be trusted. The volume of comments from happy customers led me to this decent web host. The uptime is very good and I haven't faced any problems yet. Easy to work with the base Webmin system; no weird gotchas.
  • HortHort Member
    The best VPS providers for me are: allwebhost.com and hostsailor.com.
    Knowledgeable personnel can be found in tech service which is very solid, don't nickel-&-dime me.

  • rockoloprockolop Member
    Why not give Rockhoster.com Linux VPS a try?

    Good range of price plans and options for the novice to the expert. Servers are stable and my sites are running fast.

  • HostologHostolog Member, Provider
    Hello, we can provide service with our servers in Turkey location.

    For detailed information, you can visit hostolog.com
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