Why Cloud Linux - Why @serverhedge - Installation & setup — LetsHostTalk - Web Hosting Forum

Why Cloud Linux - Why @serverhedge - Installation & setup

CloudLinux OS is the leading platform for multitenancy. It improves server stability, density, and security by isolating each tenant and giving them allocated server resources. This creates an environment that feels more like a virtual server than a shared hosting account. By doing so, CloudLinux OS reduces operating costs and churn rates, and increases profitability.

CloudLinux OS is designed for shared hosting providers. It isolates each customer into a separate “Lightweight Virtualized Environment” (LVE), which partitions, allocates, and limits server resources, like memory, CPU, and connections, for each tenant. This ensures that tenants cannot jeopardize the stability of your servers, causing all sites to slow down or even come to a halt. CloudLinux OS also “cages” tenants from one another to avoid security breaches. This way, unstable scripts or malware are not able to sprawl across your customer sites, causing severe harm.

Make Your Server Secure

Isolate tenants in "cages" to increase security. Users only have access to safe files and their own processes, and cannot see other users on the server.

More information : https://cloudlinux.com/all-products/product-overview/cloudlinuxos#security
More information : https://cloudlinux.com/hardenedphp


  • CloudLinux is a linux based operating system designed to give shared hosting providers a more stable and secure OS. Essentially a set of kernel modifications to the Linux distribution, CloudLinux implements features to enable system administrators to take fine-grained control of their server’s resource usage. By isolating users, CloudLinux helps ensure that problems with one account don’t degrade the service for others.

    CloudLinux virtualizes user accounts using a feature called LVE (LightWeight Virtual Environment). Each LVE is allotted a certain amount of resources (memory, CPU, etc.) which are separated from the server’s total resources.

    If a particular account receives a sudden increase in traffic or begins to use a lot of CPU or memory, rather than slowing the entire server and possibly causing a failure, only that particular LVE will slow down.

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